
Agriculture (Gale OneFile)

Agriculture provides access to journals covering agriculture and its related fields. Researchers can access current and authoritative periodical content that spans the industry—from practical aspects of farming to cutting-edge scientific research in horticulture.


Auto Repair Source (EBSCO)

Library Card Needed

EBSCO’s Auto Repair Source is a current, accurate, and authoritative source for automobile service and repair information. Once you select your vehicle by year and model, the information provided includes step-by-step repair procedures, parts pricing, recall notices, wiring diagrams and more.



Library Card Needed

By creating a Creativebug account after you login with your Ipswich library card number and pin, you’ll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of award-winning online art and craft classes taught by top designers and artists. Watch their classes anytime, anywhere. Since the classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. No pressure, just possibilities!


Culinary Arts (Gale OneFile)

Culinary Arts offers a variety of information from major cooking and nutrition magazines, as well as book reference content from Delmar.



Designed to help promote digital literacy. If you are new to computers, haven’t used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, this resource has the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.


Gardening and Horticulture (Gale OneFile)

Gardening and Horticulture focuses on the practical aspects and the scientific theory of horticulture studies. Gardening and Horticulture offers biotechnologists, farmers, hobbyists, and landscape architects access to important content relevant to their pursuits.


Home Improvement (Gale OneFile)

Home Improvement (Gale OneFile) places the research of hobbyists and professionals on a solid foundation with articles from more than 200 home improvement-focused titles. Home Improvement covers topics such as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and more.


Principles of Astronomy (Salem Press)

Library Card Needed

This new resource introduces students and researchers to the fundamentals of astronomy using easy-to-understand language, giving readers a solid start and deeper understanding and appreciation of this complex subject. The 140 entries range from Ablation to Quarks to XMM-Newton, and are arranged A to Z, making it easy to find the topic of interest.


Principles of Computer Science (Salem Press)

Library Card Needed

Computer science generally refers to the body of knowledge that allows humans to use mechanical aids to do mathematical calculations very efficiently. While the term computer originally referred to a human who was able to do simple arithmetic quickly and accurately, the name has been transferred to programmable automata, which are able to do the same thousands to billions of times faster. Clearly computer science is in the midst of a revolution of its own making. It is not possible to predict where or when things will “settle down,” or if they ever actually will. Nonetheless, a few outcomes are already clear: Information will become more and more available and there will be an increased need for professionals in the great many fields impacted by the advances described here. If this volume helps you to see even a bit more clearly through the maze of opportunity, it has been well worth the effort of the publisher to bring it together.


Principles of Programming & Coding (Salem Press)

Library Card Needed

This book presents over 140 articles on various aspects of coding and programming. The articles range from the strictly technical to general discussions of human psychology. Not all are free from controversy. Nor will reading of all the articles make one an expert on any branch of computer science. Nonetheless, the articles provide a snapshot of the current state of this rapidly changing field of human endeavor, one so rapidly changing that a bright high school student’s contribution may have more impact than that of a Ph.D. Indeed, many of the most successful workers in this area have interrupted their formal education so that they could devote all their youthful energy to it. The only promise that can be made to the reader is that changes are taking place and that the pace of innovation is not slowing down.

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